P.I.E. e-bombs Florida PSC
The membership of PIE stepped up to unleash a flurry of emails to the Florida Public Service Commission over the holiday weekend.
In a “Call to Action”, PIE members had been encouraged to email the PSC to voice opposition to the granting of a Motion to Bifurcate and Temporary Rule Waiver.
The sheer volume of incoming responses overwhelmed the FPSC staff.
Just before 9:00 AM on Monday 1/4, there were 114 documents posted on the PSC Docket. At 9:00 AM the email uploads to the docket began, ticking up in batches each time the screen was refreshed. By 8:00 PM, the last batch of uploads, without their attachments, appeared. When it was over, the total count of entries in the docket was 437.
Not only did the PIE members activate in record numbers, they networked neighbor to neighbor and posted on social media. The sample letter that appeared in the “Call to Action” email made its way down to Little Gasparilla, with common language appearing in letters of objection from LGI.
On Tuesday morning 1/5/20, the PSC staff noted the large number of emails that had been sent by customers objecting to the waiver, which was in turn noted by the Commission.
As of today, 1/6/21, the docket stands at 457 entries. The vast majority of these entries are titled “CORRESPONDENCE–Consumers & Representatives” (letters and emails) or “CORRESPONDENCE–Parties & Interested Persons” (requests to be persons of interest). There are 112 “Interested Persons” registered on the Docket.
Congratulations and thanks are due to all the PIE members/stakeholders who wrote letters to the FPSC expressing their opinions and concerns.